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Baked Potato Soup

Contributed by: NAPSA

Tips On Making Big Meals Less Stressful

Baked Potato Soup
(NAPSA) - Whether it's an impromptu gathering of family or friends, or a planned special occasion, preparing a big meal can be a stressful experience. But a few simple tips can help you enjoy your next entertaining meal as much as your guests will.

The first step to creating a less stressful meal for large numbers is to shop smartly, says Jenny Harper, director of recipe development for Carnation Evaporated Milk. She advises stocking your pantry with convenient, easy-to-store items that you can turn to in a pinch, like evaporated milk, dried pasta and chicken broth.

Here are some other top tips to create a satisfying meal that you will enjoy as much as everyone else.

To impress the guests without much stress, here is a recipe you can try at your next meal for a large group. See also Cheesy Creamy Pasta Casserole.



Melt butter in large saucepan over medium heat. Add onion; cook, stirring occasionally, for 1 to 2 minutes or until tender. Stir in flour. Gradually stir in broth and evaporated milk. Scoop potato pulp from one potato; mash. Add pulp to broth mixture.

Cook over medium heat, stirring occasionally, until mixture just comes to a boil. Dice remaining potato skin and potato(es); add to soup. Heat through. Season with salt and pepper. Top each serving with bacon, cheese and green onion.



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