Contributed by: Monica Resinger of HomemakersJournal Did you ever see the bunny cakes in the grocery store bakery department? If you have, you may have noticed that they can be expensive. I'm going to tell you how to make your own so you can save money. You'll need:
Directions: Prepare the cake mix according to package directions and bake it in the round cake pan. Most cake mixes make enough batter for two round cake pans; therefore you can make two bunny cakes or make cupcakes with the rest of the batter if you only want to make one bunny cake. After the cake has cooled, remove it from the pan and cut the circle in half. With white frosting, frost the bottom of one of the halves generously, then stand the two halves up on their cut side on a plate or cake stand and push the two bottoms together so the frosting is in the middle holding them together. Now frost the whole thing. It should look like a half circle standing on a plate; this is the body of the bunny. For the eyes, cut two round circles out of white construction paper, then two smaller circles out of black construction paper and glue each black circle onto a white circle. Stick the eyes onto the frosting on the front of the bunny body (one of the narrow ends). For the ears, cut bunny ear shapes, in proportion with the body, out of white construction paper. Cut smaller bunny ear shapes out of the pink construction paper and glue them onto the white ones to make the center of the ear. When glue has dried, insert the bottom of the ears into the frosting about an inch above the eyes. For further decoration, lay Easter grass around the cake, place jellybeans on top of the grass and put coconut on the frosting of the cake as bunny hair. This cake makes a nice centerpiece for your table. Use it with a vase of in-season flowers and there you have it. © 2001, Monica Resinger About the Author: Monica Resinger is the Editor of The Homemaker's Journal, a jam-packed daily e-mail e-zine that publishes the collective advice of thousands of homemakers in all home and garden topics! Become a part of The Homemaker's Journal and get or share solutions to your homemaking problems! Join now by sending a blank e-mail to: HomemakersJournal-subscribe@yahoogroups.com |
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