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Pack A Powerful Punch With Lunch 
Packing snacks or lunches that won't be traded with friends or even thrown-away can present a challenge to any parent. Yet healthy snacks and lunches, like breakfasts, provide kids with the energy they need throughout the day...
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  Pack A Powerful Punch With Lunch

Pack-And-Go Granola Bars 
Finally, a kid approved granola bar... and while kids love the chewy taste, moms love all the healthy nutrients! Add a piece of fruit or small container of yogurt for a perfect snack!
Makes About 21 Bars
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Panini Grilled Herbed Cheese Sandwich 
Whether you are looking for nutritious snacks or terrific meal accompaniments, chances are you can find it in the refrigerated dairy aisles. Enter the $7,500 Sweepstakes!
Makes 4 Sandwiches
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  Panini Grilled Herbed Cheese Sandwich

Paprika Almonds 
Spicy almonds are a great way to have a flavorful snack while keeping healthy.
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  Paprika Almonds

PB & J Bars 
Having nutritious snacks on hand is essential when your family's on the go.
Makes 28 Bars (2"x2")
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  PB & J Bars

PB&J Poppers 
Looking for simple ways to excite your everyday snacking routine that don't involve the office vending machine? What about smart snacking options for the kids that will satisfy their hunger until dinner time?
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  PB&J Poppers

Peanut Butter Passion 
When the school year gets hectic, help your kids unwind with an easy-to-make snack that puts chocolate chip cookies to shame.
Makes 20 Bars
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  Peanut Butter Passion

Peanut Power Balls 
Instead of taking store-bought energy bars on your next hike - try these. They taste great, transport beautifully without crumbling and are a lot less expensive when you make them yourself.
Makes 20 Servings
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  Peanut Power Balls

Peanut, Peach N Pineapple Wrap 
For smart eating, convenience and great taste, stock your pantry with a variety of nutritious canned foods from all the food groups.
Makes 4 Servings
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  Peanut, Peach N Pineapple Wrap

Pepperoni Cheese Sauce 
For many students, field trips offer an exciting hands-on learning experience. This delicious snack can be made in the microwave and taken on the road. Contest entries must be post-marked by October 31, 2007.
Makes 4 Servings
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  Pepperoni Cheese Sauce

Picadillo Chimis 
These easy to make and hearty treats featuring sweet and tangy raisins and spicy beef all wrapped-up in flour tortillas are great pick-ups on any chilly day.
Makes 50 Servings
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  Picadillo Chimis

Pick Up Sticks 
Most children need to more than double their daily intake of fruits and vegetables. For older children, you can try this easy and delicious recipe, featuring California avocados.
Makes 3 Servings
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  Pick Up Sticks

Picnic Sandwich 
With Pringles Truly Original Multigrain - Great picnic food can do more than fill your family's hunger to eat in the great outdoors-it can also make a difference in your community.
Makes 4 - 6 Sandwiches
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  Picnic Sandwich

Poor Man's Perogies 
Makes 8 Servings
• Rating: 8 • Votes: 1
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Potato Lollipops 
With Apricot-Ginger-Jalapeno Dip... just 'cuz they're fun!
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