California Kiwi Sandwich
This delicious combination of creamy cheese, tangy olives and California kiwi on grainy bread is a quick and modern take on a sandwich.
Makes 1 Sandwich Save It!Rate ItReview It
California Raisin Banana Energy Bars
Perfect for on-the-go snacking! The California raisins in these raisin-filled energy bars may be good for your teeth. Phytochemicals found in California raisins inhibit the growth of the bacteria that cause cavities.
Makes 16 Bars Save It!Rate ItReview It
Caramel Corn
Absolutely the perfect accompaniment to a relaxed
evening of home videos, homemade caramel corn can't be beat for its richness and fresh
Makes 9 cups (2.25 L). Save It!Rate ItReview It
Cheerios Snack Mix
Even with a healthy breakfast and great lunch, children need snacks throughout the day. The trick is to provide snacks that are quick to eat, easy to prepare, nutritious, tasty and fun to eat. Save It!Rate ItReview It
Cheese and Pear Quesadillas
This is a simple, tasty recipe sure to please everyone. Makes a great appetizer, snack or main dish. Includes recipe for Pear Salsa.
Makes 16 Appetizers Or 4 Main Course Servings Save It!Rate ItReview It
Cherry Trail Mix
Packing a lunch can often seem like a chore - especially when it comes to making healthy choices kids will actually enjoy. Treats like tart cherries can add an instant punch of flavour and are a healthier option to vending machine sweets.
Makes 1 Cup (250mL) or 4 Servings Save It!Rate ItReview It