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Smoked Paprika Egg Salad Sandwich on Whole Grain 
The Keep You Running Sandwich - Hellmann's® Sandwich Swap *n* Share program is part of the "Build the Perfect Sandwich" campaign, featuring critically acclaimed chef, restaurateur, author and TV personality Bobby Flay.
Makes 4 Servings
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  The Sandwich Swap *n* Share Program

Snack Your Way To Health 
To snack or not to snack, that is the question. The trick is to have snack smarts and pay attention to the foods you're snacking on. Includes quick fix recipes for California Walnut Trail Mix, Sesame and Maple Walnuts and California Walnut Hummus.
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  Snack Your Way To Health

Snacking: It's Not A Bad Word 
From Hungry Girl, the best-selling cookbook in America that's written for people who don't really cook confirms that not everyone is an organic-seeking foodie.
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  Hungry Girl: 200 Under 200: 200 Recipes Under 200 Calories

Spiced Almonds 
A delicious snack you can make ahead and keep for up to 5 days!
Makes 8 Servings
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  Spiced Almonds

Spiced California Walnuts 
Create simply delicious spiced walnut snacks and appetizers. Adjust the ingredients to create savory, hot or sweet delights.
Makes 8 Servings
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Spiced Chocolate Almonds 
Serve these spicy delicious almonds alone, or mix them with 2-3 cups of popcorn. This tasty treat is the perfect mix of salty and sweet and also makes a great gift.
Makes 2 Cups
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  Spiced Chocolate Almonds

Spicy Roasted Peanuts with Green Onions 
With a little culinary creativity, peanuts can help chefs and at-home cooks create innovative variations on a timeless party snack. Includes recipe for Smoky Paprika Peanuts.
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  Spicy Roasted Peanuts with Green Onions

Summertime Distractions 
The 'fun fruit' Watermelon comes to the rescue with fun, everyday recipes for kids.
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  Summertime Distractions

Sunshine Snack Mix 
Sunshine Snack Mix is a great way to keep kids well-fueled on a hot summer day.
Makes 5 1/2 Cups, 11 Servings
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  Sunshine Snack Mix

Super Bowl Snacks That Score! 
Score a touchdown of your own during the 2006 Super Bowl by serving up some delicious munchies that offer nutrition in disguise to keep football fans cheering through the entire game and friends coming back year after year.
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  Super Bowl Snacks That Score!

Sweet and Savory Snack Mix 
Whether its hot dogs, nachos or fried appetizers, fan foods tend to be high in calories and fat content. Here are some tips to help the host and guests eat healthier during game time.
Makes 5 cups - 4 Servings
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  Tailgating? Menu Ideas that are Fun and Healthy

Sweet n Salty Clusters 
Pop corn has a long history as a favorite fall snack. But not just any pop corn will do...
Makes 8 Servings
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  Sweet n Salty Clusters

Sweet Potato Crepes with Berry Filling 
These sweet potato crepes with berry filling are delicious and healthy. Sweet potatoes are a nutritious, heart-healthy vegetable.
Makes 6 - 8 Crepes
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  Sweet Potato Crepes with Berry Filling

Sweet Potato-Spinach Griddle Snackwich 
For a yummy, "yammy" snack, make a snackwich.
Makes 2 Servings as part of a meal, or 4 Snacks
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  Sweet Potato-Spinach Griddle Snackwich

Take Creative Licence With Whole Grains 
Whole grain cereals are an easy, economical way to boost your intake of whole grains. Think outside the bowl and find new ways to incorporate them into other foods you enjoy.
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  Whole Grain Snack MixApplesauce Muffins

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