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Home : Snacks : Berry & Almond Pizza

Makes 2 Servings
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Berry & Almond Pizza

Contributed by: NAPSA

The Snappy Snack That Loves You Back

(NAPSA) - More and more people are snapping up almonds to snack on as they learn the latest news about this delicious and nutritious nut.

Berry & Almond Pizza
"Almonds' satisfying crunch-or 'snap' if you prefer-can elevate nearly any type of dish, making it special and wow-worthy," says Jackie Newgent, a registered dietitian and chef. "Plus, they're a cinch to add to meals. Just roast them and chop them, or use the ones that come already slivered or sliced."

High in vitamin E, almonds are a nutrient powerhouse, providing fiber, protein, calcium and other nutrients along with heart-healthy monounsaturated fats. Recent research suggests that almonds may contribute to greater satiety, without the weight gain-keeping you fuller for longer.

A recent study published in the International Journal of Obesity found almonds' heart-healthy monounsaturated fat very satiating, helping to satisfy the appetite and prevent patients from overeating.

Find out what all the snapping is about by grabbing a handful of almonds today, or trying them in this delicious pizza:


  • 1 tablespoon slivered or sliced almonds
  • 1 (6 inch) whole-wheat pita
  • 3 tablespoons almond butter
  • 1/3 cup fresh berries


Spread almonds in an ungreased baking pan. Place them and pita in a preheated 350 F oven and bake 10 minutes or until almonds are golden brown and fragrant; stir once or twice to ensure even browning.

Note that almonds will continue to roast slightly after removing from oven. Spread pita with almond butter, and sprinkle with fresh berries and roasted almonds.

Visit for more tasty and nutritious recipes.

Serving Size: Makes 2 Servings



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