Contributed by: NAPSA Grill Your Gobbler, Or Serve It Up Traditional... (NAPSA) - Whether you're grilling your turkey or serving it up traditionally, "Flavors of America" TV host and cookbook author Chef Jim Coleman and Chef'sChoice(r) have teamed up to offer easy tips on creating and serving the perfect bird. Ingredients:
Directions: TECHNIQUE: Coleman recommends flavoring poultry under the skin. Since skin is relatively impervious, applying flavorings directly to skin is inefficient in comparison. Remove giblets, trim off excess fat. Wash turkey inside and out with cold water and pat dry with paper towels. Lift up the skin (without tearing) and rub herb mixture onto meat under skin, starting near the neck and continuing to rump. Squeeze lemon over turkey and use remaining herb mixture to coat top of bird. Traditional Style: Preheat oven to 350 F., then cook for three hours or until juice runs clear when turkey is pierced with sharp point of a knife at base of leg. Gas grilling/Indirect Heat (For best results, consult grill manufacturer): Grilling a turkey with indirect heat is similar to roasting, but offers the benefit of great grilled taste and more oven room! Make sure turkey is at least one inch away from sides and lid. Heat burners on high, close lid and preheat for 20 minutes until temperature reaches 500 . Tie turkey legs together and fold back wings. Place turkey on rack in roasting pan, breast side up. Put pan in center of grate and close lid. Turn burners on medium. For three burner grills turn off center burner. About 30 minutes before bird is done, remove pan and save drippings for gravy. Before returning turkey to grill, spray with oil and return to center of cooking grate (this will brown bird underneath). Cook turkey for 11 to 13 minutes per pound-turkey is done when internal temperature is 170 degrees in the thickest part of breast and juices run clear. Allow bird to rest for 15 to 20 minutes before carving. Carving Steps: After the bird is cooked, the next steps are equally important. "There are two common mistakes that people make after cooking their turkey. One, is not waiting long enough for the bird to rest after it comes out of the oven and the second is improperly carving it by using a dull knife or the wrong technique. If you slice the turkey too soon, most of the juices will run out and your meat will be unnecessarily dry. And, if you carve improperly or use a dull knife, not only will carving be more difficult, but your turkey could become visually unappealing," says Coleman. Try these steps to serve a tasty and elegantly carved turkey: Step 1: Be sure to use a good, sharp knife. Sharp knives are not only safer, they will help you smoothly cut thin, even slices without shredding the meat. Fortunately, you don't have to be an expert to put a razor-sharp edge on your knife. A sharpener such as Chef'sChoice(r) EdgeSelect(r) 120 can make sharpening easy. It uses 100 percent diamond-coated disks and a revolutionary polishing stage to create a professional knife edge in seconds. The precision guides eliminate all guesswork for predictable, razor-sharp edges every time it's used. For help finding a sharpener that's right for you, call (800) 342-3255. Step 2: After the turkey is cooked, cool bird for 15 to 20 minutes. Cooling makes meat firmer and easier to slice. Remove and set aside turkey legs and last joint of each wing. Make a long, deep (to the bone) horizontal "base cut" into the breast just above wing. Step 3: Slice down vertically through breast until you meet the original base cut. This will release perfect, even slices. Now you're ready to serve your delicious and properly carved turkey. Happy holidays. |
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