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Home : Herbs & Spices : Bruce Aidells' Savory Rub Recipe

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Bruce Aidells' Savory Rub Recipe

Contributed by: NAPSA

The Rub On Grilling (NAPSA) - Outdoor grilling is an American cooking tradition. Grilling itself has also become a ritual of sorts. From parking lots to back yards, the grill is a focal gathering point for groups ranging from fraternities to families.

Bruce Aidells' Savory Rub Recipe
Despite being a tradition, grilling continues to evolve:

Grilling for Health

Grilling is also a healthy cooking alternative that removes much of the fat in meat and generally accentuates the natural flavor in food.

What Can Be Grilled

Entire meals-main dishes, side dishes and even desserts-are being prepared on the grill.

Complete Book of Pork
Despite changing rules, many still naturally associate grilling with summer. In his "Complete Book of Pork" Chef Bruce Aidells says that there is no better summer fare than grilled pork spare ribs prepared with a savory rub. Rubs-mixtures of salt, pepper and spices-are an easy way to add complex flavors to grilled meats, seafood and vegetables.

Aidells says kosher salt is the most crucial ingredient for a rub. "I specifically use Diamond Crystal(r) kosher salt for two important reasons," he said. "Its crystalline structure adheres well to meat and, since it is considerably lighter than table salt, kosher salt doesn't settle to the bottom of rub mixtures."


  • 1/2 teaspoon dried sage
  • 1/2 teaspoon dried thyme
  • 1 teaspoon dry mustard
  • 1 tablespoon Diamond Crystal kosher salt
  • 2 teaspoons freshly ground black pepper
  • 1 tablespoon paprika
  • 2 teaspoons light brown sugar
  • 1/2 teaspoon cayenne pepper


Combine all of the rub ingredients in a small bowl and mix.

Massage rub into the ribs. Let sit at room temperature for two hours or wrap the ribs in plastic wrap and refrigerate overnight (16 to 30 hours).

Grilling Tips

Be organized-Have everything you need, including kosher salt, ready before you start.

Gauge the heat-Place your hand about six inches above the grate. You should be able to hold it there for three seconds.

Keep it lubricated-Always oil the grate before using it.

Turn, don't stab-Use tongs or a spatula. A fork will drain flavor-rich juices.

Give it a rest-Grilled foods taste better and juicier if let standing for a few minutes before serving.



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