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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Do you have a question about If the answer isn't below, post it to the forum and it will be answered.

My eMail address has changed. How to I modify my account? - Top

To change your eMail address or anything else about your account is easy. Just click the LogIn link in the menu bar of any page and enter your userID and password. Once you are logged in you can then click the Edit your contact information link. All fields are editable except for your userID. If for some reason you would like to have your userID changed, please eMail your request to WebAdmin (include buth your current and desired userIDs).

How do I add a resource to the database? - Top

Any member of the website can make a submission at anytime.

To add a recipe, food related story or tip/technique simply click on the Add link at the bottom of any page. If you aren't logged in already you will have to log in before you are taken the add screen.

Click on the button marked "Here" and complete the form. If a field is not applicable to your submission, simply leave the field completely blank.

Any questions or comments you have to make about the submission can be added to the "Comments" box which is for WebAdmin's eyes only.

To add a link to a website simply click on the Add link at the bottom of any page. If you aren't logged in already you will have to log in before you are taken the add screen.

Read the submission instructions and enter your URL into the box. The script will try to view the website and attempt to extract the site's title and description from meta tags. The results will be entered in the form. Edit the results and complete the rest of the form.

Any questions or comments you have to make about the submission can be added to the "Comments" box which is for WebAdmin's eyes only.

All submissions are subject to validation by WebAdmin, inappropriate content, language, spam etc. will not be accepted.

When I login I get a message "Sorry, that account has not yet been validated." - Top

When you register for an account an eMail is sent to the address you specified with a number called a "Validation Code". Follow the link at the bottom of the LogIn screen or the one provided in the eMail to access the validation form. Copy and paste the number from the eMail to the form and press the submit button to validate your account.

This is done as a security measure, to ensure that the eMail account holder actually wants to be a member of the site. If you signed up some time ago and no longer have this validation code eMail WebAdmin and ask for your account to be manually validated.

When I login I get a message "Invalid username/password." - Top

You may have accidentally typed in the wrong username or password. Remember that both the username and password are case sensitive when you try again. If you still aren't successful, click on the link to have your password eMailed to you.

What is "My Recipe Box"? - Top

While browsing through the database, click on the "Save it!" links to save the link to this resource to "My Recipe Box". In this way you can keep track of the recipes, tips, stories and links which are of particular interest to you.

"My Recipe Box" will allow you to add, delete and send these links and to organize them as you wish.

You need to add a new category. How do I suggest it? - Top

When you make a submission to the database, feel free to make any category suggestions in the "Comments" box. If there is enough interest or potential for the new category it will be created or held for future creation.

I saw an error, how can it be reported? - Top

Please feel free to eMail WebAdmin with the error so it can be corrected as soon as possible.

I want to make a change to my submission. How do I make it? - Top

On the bottom of every page is a "Modify" link. When logged in, clicking on that link will bring up a list of each of your submissions. Follow the appropriate links to modify any or all of your submissions. Modifications will be made to the database once the change has been validated by WebAdmin. To expedite the validation, please mention describe what changes were made in the Comments box.

I have a website and want to have a link on my submission. How can I? - Top

Easy as pie! Add your resource to the directory as you normally would and make sure you complete the SiteURL, Reciprocal URL and SiteName fields.

The Reciprocal URL field is explained more fully here but basically you just tell WebAdmin. the location of a link to the site which you will maintain on your website in an exchange for a link to yours.

I really like a particular submission. How can I show others how great it is? - Top

When you see a particularly tasty recipe or helpful tip in the database, help others find it too by Rating and Reviewing it!

Below the link to each resource is a link to Rate It or Review It, click the link and fill in the form. Only members of the Recipes Database are eligible to review and rate submissions.

What is the difference between Rating and Reviewing a submission? - Top

When you rate a submission (article, recipe or link) you are just making a choice of 1 to 10 (10 being great, 1 being bad). The votes and rating show up in the category listing and in the recipe card on the detail page of the recipe.

Reviews however are when you actually type in your opinion in words, for an example of a recipe with a review, please see:

Please note the "Read the Review" link in the recipe card and if you see the link in the category listing it will also have a link to "Read the Review".

Not everyone who writes a review will rate the recipe 1-10 and visa versa. Only members of the Recipes Database are eligible to review and rate submissions.

Can you help me find a recipe for <whatever> or help me with a cooking problem? - Top

If you are looking for a particular recipe or have a cooking related problem you would like some help with then you are in luck! Simply post your question to the forum. WebAdmin and fellow viewers will try to help and will offer their copies of recipes you need.

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