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New Tableware Trends For Today's Bride and Groom

Contributed by: News Canada

Royal Doulton Ashleigh (NC) - The desire to create a home filled with special treasures that were chosen with love continues to inspire brides and grooms to register their wish lists with retailers in nearly every category of home products.
New Tableware Trends For Today's Bride and Groom
Spending special times with family and friends is a priority these days and couples want to make sure they are prepared for family celebrations.

Simple metal trimmed tableware designs are top choices because they offer a sophisticated, classic look that allows scope for creativity. While platinum banded patterns are still very popular, designs with warm burnished gold trim are enjoying a resurgence, notes Marion Proctor, Marketing Manager of Royal Doulton Canada Limited. Classic designs can always be updated by adding colourful accent plates and new accessories. Royal Doulton's newest Fusion brand offers simple designs with a sophisticated shape which can be accessorized with contemporary wooden bowls or trendy but traditional "toile de Jouy" fabrics. Don't be afraid to experiment - this is NOT your granny's china!

While the cool contemporary simplicity of a "Minimalist" look is still very popular, a new look of "simple luxury" is emerging. Warmer shades of reds, oranges, and golds are being noted in home decor trends. Burnished metals such as copper and gold are highlighting accessories. Even the new neutrals have more warmth - sage green, sand and brown are big hits on fashion runways.

Choosing tableware with an eye to the future means you will love it years from now as much as you did the day you chose it. Just remember not to leave it stored away for those once a year events - use it often and enjoy!



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