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Home : Desserts : A Deliciously Romantic Valentine's Day Meal

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A Deliciously Romantic Valentine's Day Meal

Contributed by: NAPSA

(NAPSA) - This Valentine's Day, you can fan the flames of romance by making an intimate dinner for two at home.

food&family magazine's Andrea MacAlpine recommends this simple recipe: Take a delicious, yet easy-to-prepare menu, add soft music, blend with candlelight and dish up with a generous sprinkling of affection.

Passion Punch

Empty 1 tub Crystal Light Raspberry Ice Drink Mix in large pitcher.

Add 2 cups each cold cranberry juice cocktail and water; stir well. Refrigerate until chilled.

Stir in half a bottle of sparkling water or club soda just before serving. Pour over frozen raspberries in champagne glasses.

Shrimp in Love Pasta

Cook a large handful of linguine according to package directions. Drain and transfer pasta to a large bowl.

Heat a skillet over medium-high heat. Add a cup of uncooked, peeled, deveined shrimp, half a 19-oz. can diced tomatoes and half a tub softened Philadelphia Spreadable Cream Cheese Spread. Stir and cook 3-4 minutes or until sauce is blended and shrimp are cooked through.

Toss a large handful of spinach leaves into cooked pasta. Pour shrimp mixture over; toss to coat. Divide between 2 bowls, or share by eating out of the same one.

Chocolate Truffle Cups

Microwave 2 squares Baker's White Baking Chocolate with 1 tbsp. milk on High for 11/2 minutes; stir until melted and smooth.

Beat in 2 spoonfuls Philadelphia Light Cream Cheese Spread.

Repeat first two steps, replacing white baking chocolate with Baker's Semi-Sweet Baking Chocolate and increasing milk to 2 tbsp. Spoon mixtures, side by side, into 2 dessert dishes. Chill 15 minutes.

Tips To Set The Mood

  • Write a romantic invite-"You have a reservation with your love"-and slip it in your significant other's briefcase or gym bag a few days before the big night.
  • A change of scenery can spice things up. Move the table to a cozy corner, in front of the fireplace, or simply throw a blanket and some cushions on the floor.
  • Nothing casts a spell like gentle, flickering candlelight. Fill the room with votives or bask in the glow of a single pillar centerpiece.
  • Red echoes its radiance on everything around it. Create that first blush of love with a red tablecloth, napkins and place mats.



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