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A Barbecue Idea To Gobble Up

Contributed by: NAPSA

(NAPSA) - Anyway you slice it, cooking the Thanksgiving turkey outdoors frees up a lot of oven space for the trimmings.

The idea of extending the outdoor grilling season has never been more popular. According to the Barbecue Industry Association, 57 percent of outdoor chefs are so committed to barbecuing that they cook out year-round, regardless of the weather. Surprisingly, those most likely to grill during the winter are people who live in the Northeast and north central parts of the country.

A Barbecue Idea To Gobble Up
That's a lot of turkeys being grilled, smoked, and rotisseried and a lot of turkey pots used in preparing the Thanksgiving Day bird outdoors.

It's not just grills that have extended the season. Ornamental clay fireplaces and other outdoor firepits and fireplaces are turning the outdoor deck into an outdoor den.

With so much "fire" being enjoyed outdoors, homeowners are making sure they have the right accessories to keep their outdoor area looking good. That means using a "security blanket" such as a grill pad to protect the deck. One that's very popular is the "Original" Grill Pad deck protector from DiversiTech that is made of a unique, flexible fiber cement. The pad protects deck or patio surfaces from grease stains and incidental sparks or debris when placed underneath barbecue grills, smokers and ornamental deep fireplaces.

The grill pads have a slip-resistant surface and also prevent water from being trapped between the pad and the deck surface which can damage the wood.

The right grill pad is a great accessory that helps homeowners do a lot more of their cooking and living in the backyard.



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