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Tasty Flower Cupcakes

Contributed by: NAPSA

(NAPSA) - On Mother's Day or whenever you want to show mom you care, nothing says "I love you" like a home-baked gift.
Tasty Flower Cupcakes
Easy-Bake Oven
While dad may opt for flowers, why not create your own edible floral creation that tells mom you think everything she does comes up roses. The Easy-Bake Flower Cupcake is an imaginative dessert that's quick and easy to make.

This cheery treat is also great for birthday parties, family gatherings or no occasion at all. Once mom's sweet tooth is satisfied, all you need is some more mixes and a little candy to make your cupcake garden grow. Cook a batch for friends or relatives and watch the smiles bloom!

This recipe is part of a series of holiday themed treats from what's been called America's favorite cooking toy. For further information, call 1-800-255-5516.


  • 2 Easy-Bake Cake Mixes (any flavor)

  • 2 Easy-Bake chocolate frosting packets (1 included with Easy-Bake cake mix) or 1 canister of chocolate frosting

  • Floral wire or toothpicks

  • Green Twizzlers

  • Assorted gummy candy (suggest gummy worms, gummy melons and sour tape)


Bake and cool two Easy-Bake Cake Mixes by following package instructions.

Stack the cakes on top of each other and then frost with chocolate frosting. Create a fence around the cake using green Twizzlers. Tie a bow around the fence with sour tape.

Create flowers by rolling gummy worms and then putting a little floral wire or a toothpick in the middle to hold it in place. Place a few "flowers" on top of your cake.

Enjoy with mom!



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