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Home : Events : Kid's Party : Cobweb Cupcakes

Makes 24 cupcakes.
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Cobweb Cupcakes

Contributed by: NAPSA

Creepy, Kooky, Mysterious Marshmallow Treats (NAPSA) - This Halloween, you may hear more than just a peep about a new marshmallow confection. That's because, when faced with hungry trick-or-treaters, these Marshmallow Peeps¨ new individually wrapped vanilla-flavored Ghosts don't stand a ghost of a chance.

These Ghosts are the latest spook-tacular addition to the line of Halloween Peeps that includes Pumpkins, Ghosts and Spooky Cats. The new sweets are just right for dispensing to pint-sized ghouls and goblins this Halloween.

These marshmallow treats can also be used to spiff up a celebration, as in this party snack.


  • 1 recipe or package of chocolate cake mix
  • 1 tube chocolate or black decorating icing gel
  • 1 package Marshmallow Peeps Pumpkins
  • 1 package Marshmallow Peeps Spooky Cats
  • 1 package Marshmallow Peeps Ghosts

For the icing:

  • 2 egg whites
  • 3 cups confectioner's sugar
  • 1 tablespoon orange juice
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt


Bake 24 chocolate cupcakes according to package or recipe directions and allow to cool completely.

To prepare the icing, combine egg whites, sugar, orange juice and salt in a mixing bowl. Mix on high speed for several minutes, or until the icing is thick and shiny and holds soft peaks. If too thick, add a bit more orange juice. If too thin, add a bit more sugar.

Next, decorate the cupcakes one at a time. Spoon a tablespoon of the white icing onto the center of a cupcake and spread with a small spatula or butter knife to cover the top. Using the tube of icing gel, drizzle a spiral of dark icing-begin at the center and spiral out to the edge. Next, place a toothpick lightly into the icing at the center and drag it out to the edge. Turn the cupcake and repeat this process in half-inch intervals all around to create a spiderweb effect. Place a Peeps Pumpkin, Spooky Cat or Ghost in the center of the cobweb and repeat with remaining cupcakes.

Serving Size: Makes 24 cupcakes.



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