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Cajun-Style Deviled Eggs

Contributed by: NAPSA

(NAPSA) - April showers not only bring flowers but also the most popular time of year for eggs. More than 15,600 miles of eggs will likely be sold the four weeks prior to the Easter and Passover holidays, according to Wal-Mart Stores, Inc.

"Traditional Easter and Passover foods like ham, lamb, and eggs are perfectly safe when cooked properly," said Louis B. Raffel, president, American Egg Board. "That's why it's important to cook meat, poultry, and eggs thoroughly and use a food thermometer to ensure meat and egg-containing foods reach a safe internal temperature."

With the variety of recipes using eggs this season, be sure to prepare them with food safety in mind. Follow the four basic food safety messages to help Fight BAC! (bacteria): CLEAN utensils, equipment, and work surfaces with hot soapy water before and after preparing food. Wash hands with soap and warm water.

  • If possible, use one cutting board for raw meat, poultry, and fish and another for foods that are ready to be eaten.

    Separate raw and cooked foods.

  • Store raw meat, poultry, and seafood on a plate or tray, so raw juices don't drip onto other foods in the refrigerator.

    Cook food to a safe internal temperature and use a food thermometer to measure.

  • Whole poultry should be cooked until it reaches an internal temperature of 180 degrees F, ground beef and dishes containing eggs should be cooked to 160 degrees F, and roasts and steaks to at least 145 degrees F, on a food thermometer. Fish should be cooked until it is opaque and flakes easily with a fork.

    Chill meat, chicken, fish, and perishables immediately.

  • Refrigerate leftover cooked egg dishes and use within three to four days.


  • 6 eggs
  • 3 tbsp. bottled Thousand Island salad dressing
  • 1/2 tsp. McCormick Cajun Seasoning
  • 1/4 tsp. McCormick Season-All Seasoned Salt


Place eggs in medium saucepan in a single layer. Cover with cold water. Bring to a boil; reduce heat. Cover and simmer for 15 minutes; drain. Run cold water over eggs to cool them.

Peel eggs and halve lengthwise. Put yolks into small bowl; place whites on plate. Mash yolks with fork and mix in the salad dressing and Cajun seasoning. Pipe or spoon mixture into egg halves. Sprinkle tops lightly with seasoned salt. Cover and chill in refrigerator 45 minutes.



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