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Easter Bunny 
An easy toy Easy-Bake Oven recipe your kids can make for Easter.
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  The Easy-Bake Oven by Hasbro

Easter Bunny Pops 
This recipe from Creative Cook's Kitchen requires no baking, so children can take part in the preparation and decoration.
Makes 1 dozen pops.
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Easter Eggs And Food Safety 
If you and your children are planning to paint some eggs this Easter, the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) would like you to be aware of the following food safety tips...
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  Easter Eggs And Food Safety

Easter Recipes and Fun 
If you're having a house full of family and friends to eat a meal on Easter, you might appreciate some new recipes for the holiday, recipes that don't take all day to prepare.
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Easter Sculptures Have Real Kid Appeal 
Looking for something fun to do with your kids this Easter? Look no further! Five Roses Flour is just the right ingredient to create holiday-clay-dough sculptures you and your family will love to make together.
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Easter Spiced Bun 
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Easy Elegant Easter Eggs 
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Everyday Low-Carb Desserts 
Anyone who is trying to maintain a low-carb diet knows that it can be a challenge when it comes to treats and desserts. With Everyday Low-Carb Desserts you can have your diet and eat well at dessert too! Includes recipe for Easy Easter Mosaic Gelatin.
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  Everyday Low-Carb Desserts

Green Beans and Ham Casserole 
Vegetables Can Bring Flavor And More To Dinner And Beyond
Makes 4 Servings
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Grilled Lamb Chops with Cucumber Mint Sauce 
Lamb chops have never tasted more spring like than they do in this fast and fresh entree.
Makes 4 Servings
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  Grilled Lamb Chops with Cucumber Mint Sauce

Hot Cross Buns 
When I was a kid, my mother would talk about eating hot cross buns at Easter when she was a child. The buns were something that her mother made every year...
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Italian Easter Bread 
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Kids Easter Fun 
Easter is just around the corner and with it comes a long weekend. The extra day off can be a terrific time to spend some quality time with your kids but the question is, what to do with them that you both will enjoy.
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  Kids Easter Fun

Lemon Chiffon Pie 
Easter celebrations around the world include ample sweet treats. If we're lucky, we get to try all these treats in multicultural Canada. But, of course, in honour of our own dessert traditions it seems like nothing is more pleasing than a slice of pie.
Makes 1 Pie
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  Lemon Chiffon Pie

M & M's Gift Jar Cookie Mix 
For a unique gift, consider this recipe for an unusual "cookie jar."
Makes 4 dozen cookies
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