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Home : Desserts : Cupcakes : Easter Basket Cupcakes

Makes 12 Spring Baskets
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Easter Basket Cupcakes

Contributed by: News Canada

Origin of the Easter Basket (NC) - The tradition was brought to North American shores by German families in the 1700s. In place of baskets, children set out their caps or bonnets, filled with straw, and were delighted to find colored, hard-cooked eggs nestled inside them in the morning. By the 1800s, candy was commonly tucked into the baskets, as well.

Easter Basket Cupcakes
The Easter Bunny evolved from a number of traditions, some dating back thousands of years. In ancient Egypt, the rabbit was recognized as a symbol of fertility and renewal - a belief that traveled to Europe in the Middle Ages where it became entwined with the symbolism of eggs as a symbol of fertility and rebirth during spring time. It became natural, centuries later, for these symbols to turn up in our Easter baskets as chocolate bunnies and egg-shaped candies.

Jelly Belly Candy Company reports that the jelly bean became associated with Easter in the 1930s when small candies were placed in nests, the jelly beans looking similar to bird's eggs.

Try this recipe for Easter Basket Cupcakes - fun for the kids!


  • 1 dozen cupcakes
  • 1 can prepared vanilla frosting or homemade buttercream frosting
  • 1/2 cup shredded coconut
  • 1/2 teaspoon green food colouring
  • 1 1/2 tsp. water
  • 12 - 81/2-inch long orange or red licorice twists
  • 8 ounces Jelly Belly jelly beans in pastel colours


Frost cupcakes generously with white icing, being careful to spread out to the edge of each cupcake. Bend one twist and insert ends into cupcakes making a basket handle.

Combine water and green food colouring. Combine coconut and toss until the coconut is bright green. Add more of the water/food colouring mixture to achieve desired colour.

To decorate cupcakes, place about 10 beans all of the same flavour standing up as a border. Sprinkle green coconut on top of cupcakes. Place in the centre, five Jelly Belly beans in colours different than the border colour.

Serving Size: Makes 12 Spring Baskets



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