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Easter Bunny Cake

Contributed by: NAPSA

Hop To It! Bunny Cakes Are A Fun New Easter Twist

Easter Bunny Cake
(NAPSA) - Easter will soon be upon us and nothing signifies this festive holiday more than bunny rabbits and tasty treats. Combining these two favorites, why not turn up the heat on Easter entertaining with a fun new twist on dessert for friends and family, young and old: The Easy-Bake Easter Bunny Cake. Unlike decorative hard-boiled eggs, this Easter-themed treat is sweet on the inside and out. And, it's easy to make, just pull out your Easy-Bake Oven! Here's how:


  • 2 Easy-Bake Yellow Cake Mixes
  • 2 Easy-Bake white frosting packets (one included with each Easy-Bake cake mix) or 1 canister of white frosting
  • White and pink construction paper
  • 1 bag of shredded coconut
  • Various candy (suggest gum drops, hard candies and licorice)


Bake and cool two Easy-Bake Yellow Cake mixes by following package instructions.

Create bunny ears out of construction paper by cutting one large circle out of white construction paper and one smaller circle out of pink construction paper (see diagram). Paste pink ears onto center of white ears, let dry and place at top of a plate. (can use remaining paper from circle as a bowtie if desired, can also replace the construction paper with an Easy-Bake cake to create edible ears and bowtie).

Prepare white frosting according to instructions, stack and frost cakes and place top of cake on bottom of bunny ears

Sprinkle coconut on entire cake as fur

Make a nose using gumdrops

Use hard candy to complete eyes and nose

Use rope licorice to create whiskers and hard candy for teeth

Enjoy with friends and family!

Creating this Easter Bunny Cake is a fun activity for the family or perfect way for kids to pass the time on a playdate or on their own. Now, a delectable dessert that looks and tastes great is just a hop, skip and Easy-Bake Oven away!

This is the first in a series of holiday themed treats from America's favorite cooking toy. For further information on Easy-Bake, call 1-800-255-5516.



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