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Chambord And Brie

Contributed by: NAPSA

Hosting Elegant Get-Togethers

(NAPSA) - Hosting elegant gatherings seems to be an inviting cool weather trend. Entertaining gurus say Fall and Winter parties tend to be more decadent than their less formal Spring/Summer counterparts-but that does not mean hosting one needs to be a lot of work. It just takes some planning.

Chambord And Brie
For instance, consider the menu well ahead of time. There are a number of easy to prepare-yet elegant-dishes you can serve your guests. The recipe below is made with Chambord Liqueur. The sweet black raspberry spirit can be used in cocktails or cooking. It's a sophisticated way to add a special taste to the food you serve.


  • 1 round Brie
  • 1/4 cup Dried apricots
  • 1/4 cup Chopped Granny Smith Apple
  • 2 Tbsp pecan pieces
  • 1/2 tsp lemon zest
  • 1/2 cup orange juice
  • 1/2 cup chambord liqueur
  • 2 Tbsp sugar


Peel and chop apples. In saucepan, add all ingredients except Brie. Simmer and stir occasionally over medium heat until thickened and fruit is tender. Cool.

Slice Brie through center, making two round disks. Spread cooled filling between the layers.

Bake at 350 F for 10 minutes. Remove and let set for 5 minutes. Drizzle with Chambord and serve with good quality crackers or crostinis.

Fall is the perfect time for a cocktail party and the ideal occasion to introduce people to Chambord Liqueur. When making plans for a festive and memorable Fall party, remember its sweet black raspberry flavor can be used to create wonderful sauces and glazes, reinvigorate more traditional fare and help to make your party a palate-pleasing success. If you plan to be a guest at a dinner party this Fall, you might want to bring along Chambord as a gift for your host.



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