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Florida Sunshine Shake

Contributed by: News Canada

Shake Up Your Day With A Vitamin C Powerhouse

(NC) - A refreshing glass of pure grapefruit juice can help jump-start your day, but what's in that glass of juice that makes it so nutritious? You may be interested to know that 100 per cent pure grapefruit juice is a nutritional powerhouse, chock-full of essential vitamins and minerals to help your body stay healthy and strong.

Florida Sunshine Shake
"Fueling your body with antioxidant vitamin C in sources such as 100 per cent grapefruit juice helps your body neutralize free radicals that may cause cell damage and contribute to the development of chronic diseases," says Lydia Knorr, MHSc., a registered dietitian with the Florida Department of Citrus. "Since your body doesn't store vitamin C, it's important that you consume vitamin C-rich foods each day to stay healthy and give your body the daily dose it needs."

A nutritional standout

Just one glass of 100 per cent pure Florida grapefruit juice is full of potassium, phytonutrients, folate, fibre, lycopene, magnesium and beta-carotene - talk about a mouthful. Among others, these powerful nutrients in grapefruit juice can help strengthen your immune system, especially during the winter months, and help reduce the risk of certain diseases and cancers. One 250 mL glass of grapefruit juice, contains nearly a full day's supply of vitamin C.

Looking for a new take on a traditional juice drink? Indulge your taste buds with a Florida Sunshine Shake as a delightful smoothie or to complement any meal. Made with 100 per cent pure Florida grapefruit and orange juice, this recipe rich in vitamin C is a quick and nutritious treat for people of all ages.


  • 1 cup Pure Florida orange juice
  • 1/2 cup Pure Florida grapefruit juice
  • 1 ripe banana
  • 1/2 cup low-fat vanilla yoghurt
  • 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract


Combine all ingredients in blender until smooth.

Pour into glass, serve immediately.

Find more delicious recipes to get your daily dose of vitamin C by visiting



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