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Chocolate Martini

Contributed by: Anthony Tripodi

If the return of the martini and it's recent rediscovered popularity has you feeling left out while you're making a cocktail, then it's time you tried a chocolate martini. Let's face it, if it wasn't for the vermouth, a martini is really just straight vodka. For someone who doesn't like straight vodka a martini can taste kind of harsh. The solution is try one of the many specialty martinis that are packing them in at martini bars. And one of the tastiest martinis around is the chocolate martini. There are a few different ways to make chocolate martinis and all of them are delicious.

Chocolate Martinis are made with vodka. Gin and chocolate sounds like a terrible idea to me so thankfully I haven't seen a recipe like that. Most recipes call for vodka which is mixed with something chocolaty like Godiva Liqueur or Creme De Cacao. This first recipe contains both.

Chocolate Martini Recipe

  • 1 1/2 shots Godiva Chocolate Liqueur
  • 1 1/2 shots Creme De Cacao
  • 1/2 shot Vodka
  • 2 1/2 shots Half And Half

Add all to a cocktail mixer and shake well.

Pour into a chilled martini glass dusted with chocolate powder.

The official chocolate martini recipe endorsed by Godiva is as follows:

Godiva Chocolate Martini

  • 1 oz. Godiva Chocolate Cream Liqueur
  • 1 oz. Ciroc Vodka

Shake until blended and pour into a chilled Martini glass.

A Hershey's Kiss is a great garnish for a chocolate martini. I've even seen some bartenders who drizzle chocolate syrup around the rim of the glass.

And if your looking for an easy way to make a chocolate martini why not try one of those pre-made cocktail mixes. You should be able to find a few different mixes at your local liquor store. All you have to do is add vodka and you're all set. It doesn't get much easier than that.

No matter what recipe you choose you really can't go wrong. If you think about it, you're mixing vodka and chocolate. It would be difficult to make those ingredients taste bad.

About The Author:

Anthony Tripodi can usually be found making interesting drinks for his family and friends. The rest of the time he's writing about making interesting drinks at



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