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Florida Sunshine Shake

Contributed by: News Canada

Add some Florida sunshine to your morning (NC) - Even though experts have declared breakfast the most important meal of the day, many Canadians don't eat it as often as they should. Some feel they are too busy and simply don't have time to make breakfast, while others skip it thinking it will help them lose weight. Regardless of the reason, this should be of concern as studies show that those who skip breakfast are more than four times as likely to be obese compared to individuals who eat breakfast on a regular basis.

Eating breakfast is one of the easiest ways to help maintain your health. Florida citrus products provide the base for some quick, easy and nutritious breakfast ideas. Kick start your day by including 100 per cent Florida orange juice as part of a balanced breakfast - it's a simple and tasty way to improve your health and build immunity while supplying a daily dose of nutrients.

For those in a rush in the mornings, try this quick and delicious boost to your breakfast:


  • 1 cup Florida orange juice
  • 1/2 cup Florida grapefruit juice
  • 1 ripe banana
  • 1/2 cup low-fat vanilla yogurt
  • 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract


Combine all ingredients in blender until smooth. Pour into glass, and serve immediately.

Makes 2 8-ounce Servings

Whether making it to go or drinking it at home, a Florida Sunshine Shake is sure to brighten your morning. Remember that breakfast really is the most important meal of the day - it doesn't take long to get your day off to a healthy and tasty start with a glass of 100% pure Florida orange juice!



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