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Bloody Mary Recipes Stand The Test Of Time

Contributed by: NAPSA

(NAPSA) - Urban legend places the origin of a Bloody Mary cocktail everywhere from Paris to Chicago and dates back nearly 100 years. But regardless of where the Bloody Mary came from, there's no doubt it's here to stay.

Bloody Mary Recipes Stand The Test Of Time
The Bloody Mary cocktail has experienced a resurgence in recent years. The drink that was once thought of as only a morning cocktail and hangover cure is now served throughout the day with a variety of exotic ingredients. From Tabasco and horseradish to wasabi and jalapenos, there are no limits when it comes to spicing up this classic cocktail.

"The Bloody Mary is like the backyard barbecue, everyone in America thinks theirs is the best-and of course, I am no different," said Dale DeGroff, cocktail expert. "The most important part of the drink is the sweetness of the tomato juice, to preserve the taste. After that, go for it. You can tinker with it until your heart is content, that is what made the Bloody Mary so popular."

This is a drink that can make you famous among friends and family. The Bloody Mary dates back to the early 1900's and is still alive and well among Americans. The second most consumed drink next to beer at tailgates and Super Bowl parties today is the Bloody Mary, making vodka the most important spirit while entertaining or celebrating.

Recipe Contest

Finlandia Vodka, the first imported vodka to the U.S., has been distilling vodka for these tasty cocktails for more than 34 years. It has determined that secret Bloody Mary recipes are in high demand. And now, the company is searching for America's most interesting recipes through its first-ever Finlandia Bloody Mary Recipe Contest.

"There are restaurants across the country now that set up Bloody Mary bars-a virtual buffet of ingredients for people to create their own Bloody Mary's," said Jennie Meador, Finlandia brand director, who is serving as a judge for the contest. "The thought and creativity that goes into some of these recipes is amazing."

Contest officials are anxiously awaiting recipes that are both traditional and unusual. To enter, people can send their recipes, photographs and the stories behind them to Finlandia Bloody Mary Contest c/o Kim Charney, 850 Dixie Highway, Louisville, KY 40222. Or, you can enter recipes at or e-mail them to The deadline for entries is April 1, 2005. The top-5 finalists will be asked to participate in a final contest and the contest winner will receive $1,000.



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