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Home : Appetizers

Mooseheads Alpine Lager Beer Cheddar Cheese Fondue Popular Listing!
Experiment with the beer recommended in this recipe. The beauty of beer is that its complex flavours can change the character of a dish each time you prepare it - heartier with a dark beer, lighter with a lager.
Serves 4 to 6
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Home : Baked Goods : Breads

Low Fat Banana Nut Bread Popular Listing!
When meals are designed for you personally, you can keep those extra pounds off.
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Home : Breakfast

Hearty Breakfast Bake Popular Listing!
Bake A Classic Breakfast For Your Family - A great way to start the day is with this classic breakfast bake.
Makes 12 servings
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  Bake A Classic Breakfast For Your Family

Home : Desserts : Bars

Mars Bar Rice Krispie Squares Popular Listing!
This recipe is a big hit with kids and busy parents - so quick, easy and tasty!
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Home : Desserts : Cakes : Layered

Nestle Wonderball Clown Cake Popular Listing!
Creating a great birthday party for your youngsters can seem more like child's play if you dig deep into your inner child. Here are some hints that may help and a great recipe for a cake.
Makes 10 to 12 servings
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Home : Desserts : Cheesecake

Hydrox Cookie Cheesecake Popular Listing!
Reading labels educates you on the packaged cookies you can and cannot eat. You cannot have Oreo cookies... but you can have Hydrox cookies! So, if you are a chocolate sandwich cookie lover, you'll still have the ability to enjoy them.
Makes 12 servings
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  The Lactose-Free Cookbook

Home : Desserts : Cupcakes

Oreo Sand And Dirt Cups Popular Listing!
Tell your kids to eat dirt. Really!
Makes 8 Servings
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  Oreo Sand & Dirt Cups

Home : eBooks

Menus On A Dime Series Popular Listing!
Eating out is one of the top causes of debt, but what do you do when you're too tired to figure out what to make for dinner? Learn to dramatically reduce your grocery bill making delicious meals that your family will love!
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Home : Entrees : Pasta

Lasagna Rolls Popular Listing!
Lasagna Rolls are a quick-and-easy meal idea that can be made quite inexpensively.
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Home : Events : Holidays : Easter

How to Make an Easter Bunny Cake Popular Listing!
Did you ever see the bunny cakes in the grocery store bakery department? If you have, you may have noticed that they can be expensive. Learn how to make your own so you can save money.
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Home : Sauces & Dressings

Hot Spinach Artichoke Dip Popular Listing!
Makes 2 cups, 6 servings
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KFC Gravy Popular Listing!
Famous "Taste Alike" Recipe.
Makes about 3 cups
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Home : Side Dishes

Mashed Butternut Squash with Brown Sugar Popular Listing!
Thanksgiving is a time for friends and family to give thanks to one another and enjoy a great feast. If you are watching your weight, don't feel left out. Just follow these helpful tips and recipes to keep you on track and enjoy the fruits of your labour.
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Home : Tips & Techniques

How To Make Cajun Fried Turkey Popular Listing!
LouAna Chef Patrick Mould fries a turkey in peanut oil.
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London Broil - What it is and how to cook it Popular Listing!
Do you know what cut of beef London Broil is? There is no such "cut" as London Broil!
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