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Food Processor Still Tops Bridal Registries

Contributed by: News Canada

(NC) - In 1973 Carl Sontheimer, a retired MIT-trained physicist and accomplished cook, introduced the first food processor, and revolutionized the way we cook.

His new machine mixed eggs into a puff shell dough in 15 seconds instead of 15 minutes, chopped a pound of meat in less than 60 seconds, and created flavoured spreads, pastries and dough faster and with less cleanup than ever before.

Cuisinart 14-c. Power Prep Plus Food Processor, White
Since Sontheimer introduced the Cuisinart Food Processor, the innovative appliance has been a staple of bridal registries nationwide.

While counter space becomes increasing sparse in many new homes and condos, brides and grooms are turning to this all-in-one kitchen appliance. A food processor can do the job of an electric mixer, blender, bread machine, meat grinder, chef’s knife, grater, whisk and more - in one compact machine.

"People are increasingly finding they have less time in their day to relax and enjoy themselves," commented Beverley Melnick, marketing manager for Cuisinart, a division of Conair Consumer Products Inc. "They rely on appliances such as food processors to make the task of preparing meals simpler."

The food procecsor itself has undergone many changes and rebirths since its introduction. It all started with the original one-size-fits-all model, and has led us to various models able meet the needs of each distinct user.

Today, Cuisinart markets nine unique food processors varying in size from a 20-cup (5 L) work bowl able to handle the biggest chores with ease, to a 21-ounce (624 ml) perfect for those small and quick jobs.

But size isn’t the only way you can personalize your food processor. Cuisinart offers various models in white, black, brushed chrome, and brushed stainless steel to compliment any kitchen colour scheme.

"What sets Cuisinart apart is the strong motor, extra large feed tube, the 3-year warranty, and reputation for quality," said Ms. Melnick. "This allows cooks to tackle the most difficult and time intensive culinary chores with speed, ease, and piece of mind."

Editor's Note:

Don't forget to pick up some recipes to help get them started! This 304 page book was specifically written for use with Cuisinart Food Processors and is sure to become a well used item in any Cuisinart owner's kitchen.



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