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Home : Special Diets : Low Carb : Lose Weight With More Than 175 Low Carb Dishes

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Lose Weight With More Than 175 Low Carb Dishes

Contributed by: NAPSA

(NAPSA) - No matter what you're doing to lose weight and improve your health, one of the keys to success is variety.
Atkins Best Recipes
The more foods you can enjoy as part of the regimen, the less bored you'll be, the less likely to "cheat" and the better your chances of sticking with the program to achieve long-term success.

For people following a controlled carb lifestyle-such as the enormously popular Atkins Nutritional Approach - there's now a cookbook that offers more than 175 delicious and satisfying recipes, all designed to help diners reduce their carbs.

Atkins Best Recipes is the first full-color Atkins cookbook. Beginning with a brief introduction to the Atkins program for weight loss, weight maintenance and good health, this cookbook is terrific for those who have been long-time devotees as well as the novice looking for help losing weight. With its delicious salads, vegetable side dishes, and even whole grains and desserts as well as the more expected main dishes, the cookbook also demonstrates the culinary possibilities of Atkins. Each recipe features nutritional information, as well as an icon indicating for which of the four phases of Atkins it is suitable. There are more than 80 full-color photos of the sensational dishes, divided into the following chapters:

  • Appetizers and Snacks;
  • Soups and Stews;
  • Beef, Pork, Veal and Lamb;
  • Poultry;
  • Fish and Shellfish;
  • Vegetarian Entrees;
  • Salads and Sides;
  • Breakfast and Brunches; and
  • Desserts and Sweets.

Readers will also find tips for stocking a low carb kitchen, lists of Atkins-friendly foods, beverages and ingredients, plus a handy Carb Gram Counter to arm you with all you need to know to live a controlled carb lifestyle.

Thic soft-cover, 160-page, full-color book is an exceptional tool for anyone doing Atkins, or just considering the program. It is available at newsstands and supermarkets everywhere.



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