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Breakfast Smoothie

Contributed by: NAPSA

Quick Nutrition Tips For On-The-Go Moms

(NAPSA) - Many of today's moms are focused on cooking up creative ways to get their children to eat healthful meals. However, they often neglect the nutritional needs of one very important person: themselves. According to the recently released USDA Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2005, everyone-moms included-needs to pay closer attention to what they eat for good health.

Breakfast Smoothies
"Choosing wisely at the grocery store can go a long way toward taking care of the family's nutrition needs," said Liz Weiss, MS, RD, a noted nutrition consultant. "Precut, prewashed fruits and vegetables, lean meats, canned beans, whole wheat pasta, low-fat dairy, and products fortified with key nutrients are all easy ways to kick-start good nutrition."

For lots of busy moms, cutting back on calories and sugar is a priority. Fortunately, supermarkets offer plenty of light products including light juice beverages such as Mott's Plus Light, which has 50 percent less calories and sugar than regular apple juice and is fortified with vitamins C and D and calcium.

Nutrition Tips for On-The-Go Moms:

  • Weiss recommends moms use prewashed salad greens to save time in the kitchen,

  • Select precut fresh fruit for a quick fruit salad,

  • Use canned and frozen fruits and vegetables-they can be nutritious, quick and easy,

  • Buy fortified juices for added nutrients.

  • When eating out, Weiss suggests choosing baked, broiled or sauteed options over fried entrees,

  • Ordering a salad (with dressing on the side) and an appetizer instead of an entree.

The USDA Dietary Guidelines are explained at the Web site The site lets people customize the Pyramid based on gender and activity level. These food ideas may help, too.

  • Flavored Ice: Fill ice cube trays with a light apple juice beverage instead of water, giving a cool apple twist to favorite drinks.

  • Easy Spritzer: Mix a light apple juice beverage with club soda.

  • Fruity Frappe: Blend low-fat vanilla frozen yogurt, fresh or frozen fruit and a light apple juice beverage.


  • 1/2 cup Mott's Plus Light Apple Juice Beverage
  • 1/2 cup nonfat plain yogurt
  • 1/2 cup frozen unsweetened mixed berries
  • Honey, as desired


Combine ingredients in blender; blend until smooth. Sweeten with honey, if desired.

More information and recipes are available at

Serving Size: Makes 1 Serving

Nutritional Information: Per Serving: 120 calories; 0g fat; 5mg cholesterol; 85mg sodium; 26g carbohydrate; 2g fiber; 5g protein; 3% calories from fat; Vit. A 10% DV; Vit. C 60% DV; Calcium 20% DV; Iron 2% DV; Vit. D 40% DV.



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