Creamy Almond And Herb Soup
Taste and nutrition - discover the versatility of almonds. Almonds can also be used in a range of cuisines. Try them in this authentic Mexican soup.
Makes 8 Servings Save It!Rate ItReview It
Creamy Carrot-Ginger Soup
(Anethum graveolens) - This summer, why not try some fresh herbs to add to your meals. They are virtually caloric free, fat free and extremely flavorful.
Makes 4 Servings Save It!Rate ItReview It
Creamy Gingered Carrot Soup
What could be better than a bowl of warm soup on a cold day? This carrot soup has a velvety texture from potatoes and milk and a nice spicy flavour from the peanut butter.
Makes 6 servings Save It!Rate ItReview It
Creamy Soups
Whether serving as an appetizer to a meal or as a meal all its own, cream soup hits the spot! It provides a taste of richness and the power to warm your stomach. Save It!Rate ItReview It
Creamy Squash Apple Soup
Eating right and maintaining a healthier lifestyle is becoming an important goal for many of us. However, most Canadians are not getting enough essential nutrients in their diet. Here's a nutritious, low-fat alternative to a classic soup recipe.
Makes 4 - 6 Servings Save It!Rate ItReview It
Creamy Tomato Soup
Creamy Tomato soup can be enjoyed anytime of day with your favorite crackers or simply garnished with chopped green onions, chives or parsley.
Makes 4 Servings. Save It!Rate ItReview It
Creative Makeovers for Leftovers
As a young child, there was never leftovers in our home. We were lucky if there was enough to fill all of the tummies at our table. So, when I married, I vowed to always cook enough to fill the bellies of my family and guests... Save It!Rate ItReview It
Curried Thai Sweet Potato and Chicken Soup
Look for fat-free coconut milk and curry powder in the ethnic-foods section of your supermarket. Cilantro can be found in the herbs section of the produce department. From The Serotonin Power Diet by Judith J. Wurtman, PhD & Nina Frusztajer Marquis, MD.
Makes 1 Serving Save It!Rate ItReview It
Decadent Pumpkin Soup
This is not low fat or low carb or low sugar or anything related to a "good" diet. BUT, it tastes wonderfully rich! And we all deserve that during the fall and winter months.
Makes 6 - 8 Servings Save It!Rate ItReview It