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Traditional Mexican Sweet Red Pepper Soup 
More and more Americans find themselves particularly enchanted with flavorful dishes hailing from Mexico.
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  The Spice Of Life

Turkey Enchilada Soup 
The new year is well under way - do you remember your resolution to live a balanced lifestyle in 2010? Are you making progress toward that goal? Or has the resolution drifted away as the calendar pages turned? It's not too late...
Makes 6 2-Cup Servings
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  Turkey Enchilada Soup

Turkey Vegetable Soup 
Makes 6 servings
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Vidalia And Pear Honey Of A Soup 
So delicious yet different when served cold in the heat of summer. The winning recipe in the Vidalia Onion Committee's "Sweet Times with Vidalias" recipe contest.
Makes 4 - 6 Servings
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  Vidalia And Pear Honey Of A Soup

Warm Up With Homemade Comfort Foods 
Soups and stews are two of the most popular wintertime staples. They fill the house with rich, mouthwatering aromas while on the stove, they are the ultimate in great-tasting comfort foods. Includes Beef Barley & Sensational Chicken Noodle Soups recipes.
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  Warm Up With Homemade Comfort Foods

West African Peanut Soup 
This is my very first soup...and still one of our all-time favorites.
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What is a Purple Sweetie? 
The nutritional value of sweet potatoes is undisputed, but did you know that a sweet potato can have a purple skin too? Includes recipes for Low Fat: Sweet Potato Muffins, Barbecued or Baked Sweet Potato and Sweet Potato Velvet Soup.
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  What is a Purple Sweetie?

Wild Rice and Turkey Soup 
Delightfully creamy soup featuring turkey, wild rice and a medley of vegetables.
Makes 8 1 cup Servings
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  Wild Rice and Turkey Soup

Wonton Soup 
Keep an eye out for red envelopes attached to Kikkoman Soy Sauce bottles this Chinese New Year. Inside each are a secret pin number and lucky hexagon coin. Beginning February 1 through April 30, you can enter your pin for a chance to win!
Makes 6 Servings
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  Wonton Soup

Yellow Tomato Gazpacho 
The following recipe, courtesy of the National Honey Board, highlights some of the freshest ingredients available at local farmers' markets.
Makes 6 Servings
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  Yellow Tomato Gazpacho

Yellow Tomato Gazpacho 
The following recipe, courtesy of the National Honey Board, highlights some of the freshest ingredients available at local farmers' markets.
Makes 6 Servings
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  Yellow Tomato Gazpacho

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