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Home : Appetizers : Soups : Acorn Squash & Pear Soup

Makes 4 Servings
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Acorn Squash & Pear Soup

Contributed by: NAPSA

Pears Are The Pick Of The Season Maria Walls, R.D., Senior Nutritionist, Weight Watchers International, Inc.

(NAPSA) - With the prevalence of obesity and weight issues a major health concern, people are encouraged to eat healthier meals. Low-carb and other restricted diets don't give the balance of fiber, vitamins and minerals found in food plans that encourage healthy fruits and vegetables.

Acorn Squash & Pear Soup
With that in mind, and to champion the importance of the dietary benefits of fresh produce, Weight Watchers launched the Pick of the Season, a public health initiative spotlighting one specific fruit or vegetable each season with nutrition information and delectable recipes. As part of Weight Watchers seasonal cornucopia of recipes featuring a select fruit or vegetable, this season's "pick" is the pear.

In addition to its health benefits, pears are a great-tasting food that can be baked, sauteed, poached or eaten fresh out of hand. Here's an Acorn Squash and Pear Soup that reflects the food values inherent to the Weight Watchers philosophy that eating should be satisfying as well as healthful.


  • 1 medium acorn squash, baked and seeded
  • 1 small onion, chopped
  • 1 garlic clove, chopped
  • 2 cups vegetable broth
  • 1 large ripe pear, pared, cored, and cut into chunks
  • Salt and pepper to taste


Scoop squash pulp into bowl; discard skin.

In a 2-quart saucepan sprayed with nonstick cooking spray, cook onion and garlic over medium heat, stirring constantly, until soft, about 5 minutes. Add broth, pear, and squash pulp; bring to a boil. Reduce heat; simmer until pear is soft, 5-10 minutes.

Cool soup slightly.* Transfer in small batches to blender; process until smooth. Return to saucepan; reheat. Serve hot.

* Soup should be cooled slightly and blended in small batches to avoid overflowing.

Serving Size: Makes 4 Servings

Nutritional Information: Per serving: 97 calories; 0 g fat; 4 g fiber. Points value per serving: 1.



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